Wednesday, April 22, 2009

i thought i told you that we won't stop lol....SIDEKICK LX BACK AGAIN DEBUTS MAY 13

I enjoy my sidekick LX already!! what you think about it now that its coming back and trying to keep up with the g1 and the shadows and all the other hot phones out there..

"Put your oxygen mask on first before you assist others.." What can I say god made me this way for a reason if he wouldn't have made me this strong of a person or gave me the strength to build this bitchy persona of mine as a defense mechanism, I would just be out searching to find me who i am, because the people in this world are selfish (one of the many definitions: Seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others) wrapped up in ourselves which has its pros and cons. Pro your watching out for Yourself. Meaning Your less likely to get hurt. Con being selfish or wrapped up in ur own world cause you to have no one there for you when you get hurt. Since your less likely to get hurt when you do it hurts a lot more like having a bus ran over your heart a thousand times.. But i guess we all say so wat cause at the end of the day you gotta do for yourself and look out for you cause not many people will have your back. You very fortunate and super lucky to have someone that will.. thankfully i have a balance. I'm the one that is there for you when you get hurt but if once your ok you go back into the selfish stage fuck you imma do me cause like i said at the end of the day no one is gonna have your back.. I scratch your back you scratch mine should be>>>> ok you scratched my back does yours really itch cause i dont have nails>>>fin for yourself

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Top 3 places to find a guy..

Just though i Passed this along NYC is the worst city to meet guys. Its supposedly a 5 to 1 ratio. If you think about it it makes sense a guy cheat 5 times b4 he gets it together after 5 hes just a smut keeper lol. So here's a little help if your looking and don't know where to look try these top 3 places.
  • The apple Store
  • The GYM Weight section
  • A sport bar on a Sunday or Monday night

Monday, April 13, 2009


I have more issues then you can even imagine ISSUE NUMBER 1 is bitches getting too fucking googoo gaga over bum ass niggas.. don't feel bad me included.. every guy is on a scale of bumassness well bitchassness. so i sit here thinking on what is it that keeps us wanting to be involved or why every relationship leads into a cycle of craziness. ISSUE NUMBER 2 wack ass people who think their the shit don't know who I'm talking about check out this blog u wont believe the shit you see but believe it or not those people are really out there lol... ISSUE NUMBER 3 is when you let someone borrow something and when you ask for it back they have the never to be upset that you want your shit back or they then ask for something u borrowed me crazy lol but hey THOU Shall NOt Judge...ISSUE NUMBER 4 people that hit u up on aim and when u respond they take forever or don't respond after you have already responded this one deserves a WTF... ISSUE NUMBER 5 some1 who get mad when some1 "steals there craft ideas or whatever u may want to call the shit" but get mad at some1 who does it to them in return..WTF that one i don't get so i have an issue with it times 2. ISSUE NUMBER 6 how SOME people say that they dont want to be like so-n-so and turns out that exactly who they are. ISSUE NUMBER 7 guys who chit chat more then females i dont know if u know any but there are guys who gossip more then females and that definitely get a WTF..quit the bitchassness..ISSUE NUMBER 8 guys who don't get that the reason im a bitch is because of dickhead guys out there or who don't get that I'm a chick with a fucked up attitude cause a nigga pissed me off or because he did something that cause me to have this reaction to his action (don't get it let me paint you a picture you cheat i go threw your shit not cause I'm violating but because woman intuition kicks in and plays a part in helping me catch your dumb ass cause of course you didn't clean up after yourself..)(want another picture you cheat i tell you lets move on and things are fine but i do something you don't like "we need a break" bullshit comes up so i hope you got it this time..ISSUE NUMBER 9 people who say I'm a grown as man grown as woman but ain't got shit to show for it.. saying it doesn't make you one. ISSUE NUMBER 10 kids sexing and age for giving up ur v-card or fucking getting younger and younger watched Oprah the other day and this lady was explain wat sex was to her child to fill her with knowledge and not any knowledge but all of it to the last drop of masturbation..WTF...any ways those are my issues whats yours